Surface Water Plan Update

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The City of Shoreline’s Surface Water Utility works hard to protect our community and environment. We are updating our Surface Water Plan to reduce flooding, prepare for climate change, make our City greener, and protect our natural waters.

Over the past year, we’ve talked with people who live, work, and play in Shoreline to understand community priorities. Based on this, we’ve created four options for the Surface Water Plan. These options differ in how much work the Utility can do over the next six years. They also differ in cost.

Tell us which plan you think is right for Shoreline by June 30th! Click here to take the survey.

Take the survey and enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card!


Thank you to all who took the first Surface Water Master Plan Survey.
This survey was open from December 22nd, 2023 - January 31st, 2024.

We shared this survey through a Citywide mailing, Shoreline Area News, on the City's social media accounts, and through the City email listservs. Additionally, the Shoreline School District helped share out the survey to all District families through Parent Square, Peach Jar, and a physical flyer (thank you, Shoreline School District!).

We used results from this survey and from focus group sessions to create four options for the Surface Water Plan. From June 14th - June 30th, we're asking Shoreline community members to tell us which plan they think is best for Shoreline in an online survey.

Want to see results from the first survey? You can find that report here.

Questions or comments?
Contact Christie Lovelace
(206) 801-2420

The City of Shoreline’s Surface Water Utility works hard to protect our community and environment. We are updating our Surface Water Plan to reduce flooding, prepare for climate change, make our City greener, and protect our natural waters.

Over the past year, we’ve talked with people who live, work, and play in Shoreline to understand community priorities. Based on this, we’ve created four options for the Surface Water Plan. These options differ in how much work the Utility can do over the next six years. They also differ in cost.

Tell us which plan you think is right for Shoreline by June 30th! Click here to take the survey.

Take the survey and enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card!


Thank you to all who took the first Surface Water Master Plan Survey.
This survey was open from December 22nd, 2023 - January 31st, 2024.

We shared this survey through a Citywide mailing, Shoreline Area News, on the City's social media accounts, and through the City email listservs. Additionally, the Shoreline School District helped share out the survey to all District families through Parent Square, Peach Jar, and a physical flyer (thank you, Shoreline School District!).

We used results from this survey and from focus group sessions to create four options for the Surface Water Plan. From June 14th - June 30th, we're asking Shoreline community members to tell us which plan they think is best for Shoreline in an online survey.

Want to see results from the first survey? You can find that report here.

Questions or comments?
Contact Christie Lovelace
(206) 801-2420

Page last updated: 20 Jun 2024, 05:41 AM